Yesterday was amazing. I was in a mood of working around the house and it gave me some good (amazing) results.
The story:
My mother was on work (she doesn't have a full time job, just works with some magazine papers) and she told me to cook something for my sisters ( btw they are older from me 5 and 7 years). I made them a lot of food (didn't try anything that I cooked, I know it's good)and then I couldn't stop. I did the dishes and washed our clothes, just worked around the house.
I ate a little for lunch ( 74 kcal ). Drank coffee and I have to say I ate some fruits after that (100kcal) .
My mother came home and saw that the house was clean and she was so proud of me.
And when she is proud of me she doesn't want to control me ( how much I eat , how much I study ,...)
I made her diner and I ate (watermelon - I ate about 31.5 kcal)
Then I went to sleep.
Today I woke up and gone right to the scale. I lost over 3 pounds. I was in shock.
Review: If you work around the house you'll make your family happy, they wont control you and you'll end up loosing weight.
Stay strong
Think thin
Be thin
Lila Thorne
Well done! That's really good, I'm so jelous.
ОдговориИзбришиI like your idea of doing housework and making your family happy. I'm gonna try it.
Stay thin.